Soccer And Me

Most people in this world are in love with soccer. Not much I know about this sport except some names of real good looking athlete of course. For me actually, I can't understand why they have to snatch each other just for a ball. And when World Cup is in lintel like today, I'm prediction that there will be a lot of groups awake from their nights just for watch the show.

I can't disavow that soccer has thousand even billions brotherhood from around the world. That's why many school in my country was open for soccer extra curricular where the students can learn soccer technique whether out of school time. Sometimes when you are school in an elite school, they also cater for real professional coach, build the field, complete with the appliance such as Soccer Goals, balls, even uniforms for each student.

Without diminish what soccer meaning for all of you. It's just soccer is one of the sport that I will ever be turn my sight or reduce my sense to watch it or joined. But still, I am honor to all nation hero especially soccer athlete's that have been bring our nation to the top level and have seen by people around the world.


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